Huguenard Lab

WDECTECTA - Synaptic Current Detection

Wdetecta is based on DETECT, an old MSDOS program, I wrote in 1994 to detect spontaneous synaptic currents recorded in voltage clamp. It is inspired by the approach of Marion-Poll and Tobin (1991) in which a differentiated record is used to find events that cross a certain threshold. Daniel Ulrich and I used this in 1995 to show that adenosine had a surprising effect on presynaptic inhibition in thalamus, which contrasted with more common effects on glutamatergic neurotransmission reported in other brain regions.

A zip file containing the program, its required library file (for opening pClamp files), and it's helper files, including WinScanSelect (for extracting events from the resulting Strathclyde SCAN, .SCA files) back into Axon ABF files, and ThinScanWindows (for binned averaging of results files to generate histograms of event statistics over time) is available here Wdetecta Download. A brief instruction page is here: Wdetecta Help and the very old windows help file is here: Old Windows Help File

Marion-Poll F, Tobin TR. (1991) Software filter for detecting spikes superimposed on a fluctuating baseline. J Neurosci Methods. 37:1-6. PMID: 2072733
Ulrich D, Huguenard JR. (1995) Purinergic inhibition of GABA and glutamate release in the thalamus: implications for thalamic network activity. Neuron. 15:909-18. PMID:7576639

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Comments or Questions:
Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences
Room S189, Stanford Neuroscience Building
290 Jane Stanford Way
Stanford, CA 94305
Phone: 650-725-6666